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Ocean Deities was founded with a core mission to help save our marine life.

As a conscious business, we have a responsibility to look after our planet in every aspect of what we do. For us, this is more than just an obligation - it's our passion!

During the past 12 months since we were founded, we have made many adaptations to how we work to ensure we are as environmentally conscious as we can be - especially in the way we manufacture and deliver our products.

Our packaging is designed with No Issue. A brand that helps businesses gain access to custom, sustainable packaging (compostable, recycled & reusable). With every order we place with No Issue, they plant trees in areas in need of reforestation.

Ocean Deities orders are carbon neutral deliveries with Australia post. We aim to reduce our emission from our operations where possible. Australia post is apart of the Climate Active program which provides guidance on measuring, reducing, offsetting and reporting emissions that occur as a result of their operations when making deliveries. By sending our parcels with Australia post we support carbon-offset projects that have positive environmental and social impacts.

We don't claim to be perfect, but our team is committed to sustainability and promises we will continue to learn, adapt and improve in any way we can.

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